Known issues and solutions
- I get the error "no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa" when trying to connect with SSH
- ADB connection is lost after a while with my Genymotion Device image instance(s).
- I am using Genymotion Device Image on Alibaba, in the Chinese zone, and Wifi/Internet is not connected.
- I can't find any device templates with Genymotion Device image (PaaS).
- I can't find my application or game in Google Play Store (Genymotion Device image).
- I have generated and setup a certificate but I still get a security warning when connecting to the device from the Web.
- I keep getting "Android Setup keeps stopping" error
- My Webcam does not work with Genymotion Device image (PaaS) on iOS.
- The Virtual Device display doesn't show in web browser with Genymotion Device image (PaaS).